Thursday, July 21, 2011

New bedtime

Our night time routine has changed a little. At the end of June I weaned Sarah cold turkey. Although I wasn't ready to stop nursing I knew that it was time.

Before night time routine -After bath Kaitlin would come down for a toon and snack and I would nurse Sarah and put her down for the night. Now night time routine - After bath both Kaitlin and Sarah come down for a toon, a last little bit of playing (they run around chasing each other) and a snack. Then the girls and I head upstairs for stories, usually an over abundance of stories. Kaitlin goes off to her bedroom and Sarah gets a night time prayer and then off she goes to dreamland. And Kaitlin after a couple more stories is off in dreamland too.

Sarah is beyond thrilled to come down after bath. If I stop to put some laundry away or pick up a toy she will scream at the stairs so mad at me for not letting her go back down. She thinks she is such a BIG girl and I agree with her. My baby is growing up :(

Some moms despise bedtime. I actually relish it. Sure the running around trying to get jammies on or those tiny teeth brushed, a last trip to the potty or just one more sip please mommy isn't always a blast but I just LOVE the snuggles with my 2 girls, reading to them, praying and the sleepy sleepy time kisses and giggles. Sure it's been a long day and I want my own space and time to myself and with Jemahl, but I think it's such a special time. I want my girls to wake up feeling loved and go to bed feeling loved....hopefully they feel the love. I know most nights I sure do!

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