Thursday, July 28, 2011

Almost half way to 4

How is it that my little Kaitlin is going to be 4 years old in just 7 short months?? She is brought me so much joy, so much laughter, so many smiles. She has changed me for the better and for the worse. She is so tender hearted, so sensitive and so full of love and I wouldn't change any of it. I love seeing her develop into her own self (even though it is difficult at the same time...when she doesn't listen to me for the 10th time).
One night about a month ago I was at my wits and so frustrated with her being a 3 year old. Sitting beside me is a stack of discipline books and many ideas swimming through my mind, but that is another post in the making.
A few months ago I stopped and looked at my parenting with Kaitlin and realized that I was just doing way to much for Kaitlin and she was expecting me to do everything for her. "Mommy, I can' do it." With her going to preschool in September I knew I needed to change something. With many tears and a few explosions from me things have turned around. Kaitlin is saying "I want to do it" and "I can". I love seeing her Independence growing.
She is such a little player, so imaginative, inventive and so thankful.
I know I've said it more then once but I will say it again. I just LOVE her so much.

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