Friday, July 29, 2011

We went walking

Sarah trying to get the hang of walking and pushing, but we hit the grass many times. She is one determined little girl. Kaitlin very serious about her walk

We went walking and what did we see....some cars, flowers, a dog and a pond with ducks. The girls love being outside. Off course when you have 2 young girls and 2 giant toys you have one exhausted mother at the end of the walk. Yep, 2 blocks later the girls were done with the toys and each wanting to go separate ways. Kaitlin running this way, Sarah not moving, stroller rolling down the hill and shopping cart in the mud. Fast forward to 5 minutes carrying Sarah, pushing both shopping cart and stroller, Kaitlin a block ahead saying "mom carry me too". Whew. They love it, I do it, all to see a smile on their faces. To me that's worth a bit of exhaustion and confusion.

Splash, splash

Kaitlin joins in on the fun!

Playing mommy

When I was young I was a baby girl. I wouldn't go to far without a baby on my hip or pushing a stroller, putting a sous in a baby dolls mouth. I remember a traumatizing time when shopping at a mall (maybe 4 years old) and my baby dolls sous fell down the escalator and into a pond.
Sarah playing with her doll reminded me of me. Like mother, like daughter.

Weeding it

A few weeks ago we drove to Chestermere for an afternoon/evening of outside fun, bbqing (yum), and a boat ride with friends. The girls had fun swimming around in Jason and Trista's neighbors pool and then found some weeds to pick before supper. I got a few pictures of the girls busily picking the weeds and running it to the fire pit.

After a yummy supper of burgers, chicken and french fries we headed over to the lake for a boat ride. Kaitlin loved it and although Sarah was scared she did say a few times "more, more", if we slowed down, but my goodness she clung on to me for dear life.

It was a great way to spend an afternoon and early evening. Since that day Kaitlin has been talking about Riley and Trista. She will pack up a purse with a few odd and end toys. Like 1 puzzle piece, 2 crayons (but nothing to draw or colour on), a few doctor type toys, a car, a necklace, bracelet a fake pumpkin and some plastic fries. She comes to me and says "Mom I'm going to Riley and Trista (and baby Lily)." She jumps on her zebra and of she goes. Hahaha, love how her little mind works! Riley digging up some weeds

Sarah running over to the fire pit. Look closely at the next picture. Full of weeds, they did this for about 10 minutes and when all the weeds were gone all 3 of the girls were disappointed that the job was done.
On the boat

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Almost half way to 4

How is it that my little Kaitlin is going to be 4 years old in just 7 short months?? She is brought me so much joy, so much laughter, so many smiles. She has changed me for the better and for the worse. She is so tender hearted, so sensitive and so full of love and I wouldn't change any of it. I love seeing her develop into her own self (even though it is difficult at the same time...when she doesn't listen to me for the 10th time).
One night about a month ago I was at my wits and so frustrated with her being a 3 year old. Sitting beside me is a stack of discipline books and many ideas swimming through my mind, but that is another post in the making.
A few months ago I stopped and looked at my parenting with Kaitlin and realized that I was just doing way to much for Kaitlin and she was expecting me to do everything for her. "Mommy, I can' do it." With her going to preschool in September I knew I needed to change something. With many tears and a few explosions from me things have turned around. Kaitlin is saying "I want to do it" and "I can". I love seeing her Independence growing.
She is such a little player, so imaginative, inventive and so thankful.
I know I've said it more then once but I will say it again. I just LOVE her so much.


So from the title post you all know now how far behind I am with my blogging. Blame it on me taking too many pictures, but then that's a good thing. This family will never be short on memories to look back on.
HAPPY CANADA DAY.....shouts Kaitlin. She was so thrilled about this special day. Was giddy for the parade. The four of us walked the 7 (or so) blocks to the best seats in the house for the big day parade.
When we got to our spot Kaitlin and Jemahl walked a few more blocks up to Safeway to get my poor pouring over stuffed nose some Kleenex (you'd think for someone who has extremely horrible seasonal allergies would remember to grab Kleenex before heading out the door...urg). Sarah and I hung out running on the grass and meeting a few new little friends. Jemahl and Kaitlin soon came back with relief for my nose and a bag of chips (now a BIG time Canada day tradition). We pigged out on the chips, made another cute little friend and the parade began.
Dogs, horses, floats, bubbles, candy tossed at us, music and fun followed. Sarah was two handed waving at all the floats and participants in the parade. She was just to adorable! New little friend....they even shared her blanket and chips. But bad me, Canada day and no red. :(

Oh how they grow

"Baby girl" is commonly used when talking to Sarah, but as I look at her I know that she truly isn't a baby anymore. My she's growing so fast. I keep thinking in just 2 short months Sarah will be the same age that Kaitlin was when Sarah was born. At 20 months Sarah is still a little bitty (just like her sister), but so smart. She takes so much in, is such an observer, so CLEVER (as her Great Grandpa Halwas would have said if he met her).
She is so empathic. When Kaitlin is upset over something Sarah is often giving hugs or kisses. Sarah motor skills are amazing! Running up and down just like Kaitlin with only the very odd fall.
Her fine motor skills are stellar. I remember her picking up her soother at a very very young age (now if I could remember exactly wouldn't that be great) and now with over a year a half experience she can open up a lid the size of a pinky or as big as a tennis ball.
Sarah has recently blasted of with her words. Just a few days ago she said "I want a new bed." Her first word, "Papa" caught my attention just as much as this 5 word sentence did. I am just so proud of her.
I am truly blessed to be Sarah's mom and so look forward to many more discovering with her.

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Peanut butter on a poon

Just found some more peanut butter shots that I just had to add.... Kaitlin and Sarah LOVE peanut butter, they love it so much they want to eat it plain right off of a spoon (or poon as Sarah says). I let them, which annoys and disgusts Jemahl all at the same time. Sometimes it's all the eat for breakfast. What kind of peanut butter do we use, well the BEST out there. KRAFT...smooth light with less fat. Hmm, that stuff is good. But shh, don't tell Jemahl I join the girls sometimes and eat right of the spoon too.

Oh and KRAFT if you are reading this send coupons my way. We LOVE you!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Another year at the acres

I bought season passes again for the girls and I for Butterfield Acres. Or as Kaitlin calls it "aggie days." The baby goats are a big hit. We even bought some goat food and fed it to them in ice cream cones. The goats just swarmed us and the girls were thrilled with being able to feed the little guys. The next favorite thing to see is the bunnies. They run around trying to find the hidden bunnies and when they do find one they both squeal with joy. The humongous sand box and tunnels are a must do thing as well at the acres
I look forward to more visits!

One morning with my girls