Friday, September 16, 2011

Teething pains

Hands in mouth....Owie teef. It's to cute when she repeats me and says Teefy COME.

It's funny as a mom you know whats happening with your child even when you don't know. Sarah has been working on getting her canines for well over 2 months now. I can pin point the exact second that the teething pain strikes by the screech/whine that comes from my normally happy girl. And I just know that she's in pain. As I type this my teeth feel like they are scratching against each other and tingling....mommy sympathy pains.

This evening I put my finger in and one is just about starting to poke through. YAY! It's coming! Now just 7 more teeth left and my baby will have all her teeth. WHAT? sniffle...sniffle... wipes a tear.

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