Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Summer cabin

Last year we drove up to Swift Current had a visit with Nazayh, Lindsay and Cousin Ryan and Ashley. However when we drove up to the cabin and spent a few hours playing in the water and beach we realized Kaitlin had a high fever and decided at 10:00 to pack up and go home.
So this year we rented a van (ahh to some extra space)hoping to use and enjoy the cabin with out being sick for some family vacation time. We all enjoyed it!
The girls had a sleep over both nights, which is a special occasion and Jemahl and I relaxed in the evenings watching movies. When morning time came....oh my, brrr. SOOOO cold. We really didn't get moving till at least 10:30.
We enjoyed the beach, the parks and walking to the store for ice cream and candy. Just great being together as a family! Daddy and Sarah momentLICK licks...just one of the girls favoritesJim and Angela came out for a short visit too. Love this photo.We ate ALOT.CHIPS!and the I LOVE CHIPS faceMore daddy Sarah timeEverybody lies on the couch naked at some pointCool, "noculers".The shirt brings out the blueness in her lips. Like I said so cold in the morning. Brr, I shiver just thinking of it.A walk to the parkPark play timeWe LOVE the swings, daddy too!Monkey bars, hangand sliding too.Climbingand swimming. Sarah is such a water girl! Kaitlin not so much, but got all the way to her button.
Sand artBusy girls went back and forth with bucket after bucket of water
Can't wait to go back next year, although I will be packing some warmer cloths for the morning.

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