Friday, September 9, 2011

Back to Grannys and Papas

We were lucky to be able to go back to visit my mom and dad again in August. The girls just love going to their Granny and Papa's house. This visit held a late night sick fest after eating a few pieces of chicken. Poor little girls, it's so hard seeing Kaitlin and Sarah so sick. So glad we were at my moms and I got help.
The girls played in the little pool, walks to park and through the forest, playing in the cardboard house, counting, play dough, cooking and crafts with Granny. They also loved the extra scrap pieces of wood that Papa worked with in the garage. Such precious memories.
Kaitlin LOVED the pieces of wood. She ran back and forth to the garage carrying the blocks and was so creative in building with them. Sarah was hard at work too.Copper, a neighbors cat. Sarah ADORES cats, well any animal in fact. Here she gives this cat a big hug. Story time with Granny before going back home.

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