Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Oh Kiki

I have been so frustrated with Kaitlin. She is going through a stage where she doesn't feel comfortable wearing pants, socks or anything warm. Of course, the days are getting cooler and walks first thing in the morning to the school bus are very chilly...teeth chattering and all when Kaitlin decides to go out the door wearing a long sleeve shirt and panties. Seriously, girl. OH! Deep breath, why does being a mommy have to be so hard? Why do I fight with Kaitlin so much? Why do I cave in to Kaitlin so much?

Friday, September 16, 2011

Teething pains

Hands in mouth....Owie teef. It's to cute when she repeats me and says Teefy COME.

It's funny as a mom you know whats happening with your child even when you don't know. Sarah has been working on getting her canines for well over 2 months now. I can pin point the exact second that the teething pain strikes by the screech/whine that comes from my normally happy girl. And I just know that she's in pain. As I type this my teeth feel like they are scratching against each other and tingling....mommy sympathy pains.

This evening I put my finger in and one is just about starting to poke through. YAY! It's coming! Now just 7 more teeth left and my baby will have all her teeth. WHAT? sniffle...sniffle... wipes a tear.

Thursday, September 15, 2011


Monday til fridays have changed. On tuesday, September 6th I started working again. I have officially opened up my dayhome.
I currently have a 9 year old girl and 7 year old boy coming into our home. They are great kids and are very welcomed in our family. They arrive in between 6:30 and 7:00 for breakfast and a little bit of playing and then we walk a couple blocks to there bus stop. The girls love the short walk first thing in the morning with their new friends.
It's really a great excuse to get the girls up and going first thing. The day has just become more scheduled and yet relaxed at the same time....this is a good thing in our home.
After school we walk to the bus stop again to pick them up after school and have a few hours of play before Jemahl comes home.
After taking a few pics of our 2 new friends I will post again.

(The above picture is off Sarah as we are walking out the door leaving for the bus stop.....and to let you all know, Sarah informs me every time a bus drives by....just like she does with trains. A new fascination? I think so.)

Family movie night

I have never liked plopping Kaitlin and Sarah in front of the tv. There are so many other things to do. However this is something different. Family movie time. I'm not against tv. I myself like watching a few hours to relax in the evening so I do allow the girls to watch a couple shows a day, but I prefer them to keep busy with toys and discovering things outdoors.
We popped some popcorn, sat down and watched our first movie together as a family. The Wild, a movie about a little lion cub and his dad. They get separated and the father goes to search for his son and faces fears of his own. It was a cute movie...made me laugh out loud a couple times.
It will probably be a new family tradition... so many new things to discover and do as the girls grow up.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

First day!

Today was Kaitlin's FIRST day of preschool! I can't believe she is in school. How has time gone by that quickly? She wasn't thrilled with having her picture taken today, but she was thrilled to go to school and even let me know that she wants to go back! Yay!

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Prairie girls

Blue sky Bare toesRunning and smilesShadowsBright colours, mismatched outfits. Hats.
Giggles, gardening and sun.Pastel colours and flowers.
Joy, simplicity.....LIFE!

Hey, You!

Hey, you....it's the new phrase that Sarah loves to say. I just love hearing her say it. It makes her laugh, it makes me laugh, it makes everyone laugh. Short video, but I think you get it. She does go on saying this a few times like she's a tough girl.

Friday, September 9, 2011

Back to Grannys and Papas

We were lucky to be able to go back to visit my mom and dad again in August. The girls just love going to their Granny and Papa's house. This visit held a late night sick fest after eating a few pieces of chicken. Poor little girls, it's so hard seeing Kaitlin and Sarah so sick. So glad we were at my moms and I got help.
The girls played in the little pool, walks to park and through the forest, playing in the cardboard house, counting, play dough, cooking and crafts with Granny. They also loved the extra scrap pieces of wood that Papa worked with in the garage. Such precious memories.
Kaitlin LOVED the pieces of wood. She ran back and forth to the garage carrying the blocks and was so creative in building with them. Sarah was hard at work too.Copper, a neighbors cat. Sarah ADORES cats, well any animal in fact. Here she gives this cat a big hug. Story time with Granny before going back home.

Calaway park

On our holidays we drove down to Calaway Park for some fun rides. The girls had a blast going on rides with each other, Jemahl and I. I just thought they were such BIG girls and were so patient waiting in line. How did I get so lucky?!? Driving the boat all by themselves. They were all smiles and waving everytime they pasted Jemahl and I.

Airplanes nextIn line...waiting so patiently.I enjoyed it too!

Just us 2

I get so caught up being a mother and a home provider that sometimes Jemahl is left in the dust. It's always a PLEASURE to sneak away just the 2 of us.

Sisterly love

They push each other, they hit each, they grab toys from each other, they scream at each other. Sisterly love! They hug each other, they comfort each other, they play and have fun together. They learn together. THEY LOVE EACH OTHER. Sisterly LOVE!

She doesn't stop......

...eating, that is. Sarah is the girl that does not stop eating. She will almost eat the same size portion of food that I eat @ all 3 meals and snack in between. Look at her. She is weighs in @ a whooping 22 lbs. Such a little mini.

Some of her favorites:

- dandy (candy)
- gogurt (with a poon of course....yogurt)
- cheese
- chickee (done any way)
- shrimp
- sies (fries)
- noodle (any type....canned, cheesed, sauced and plain....today she almost ate a full can of Dora noodles)

the list doesn't end, it goes on and on. Such a GOOD eater and always willing to try something new.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Summer cabin

Last year we drove up to Swift Current had a visit with Nazayh, Lindsay and Cousin Ryan and Ashley. However when we drove up to the cabin and spent a few hours playing in the water and beach we realized Kaitlin had a high fever and decided at 10:00 to pack up and go home.
So this year we rented a van (ahh to some extra space)hoping to use and enjoy the cabin with out being sick for some family vacation time. We all enjoyed it!
The girls had a sleep over both nights, which is a special occasion and Jemahl and I relaxed in the evenings watching movies. When morning time came....oh my, brrr. SOOOO cold. We really didn't get moving till at least 10:30.
We enjoyed the beach, the parks and walking to the store for ice cream and candy. Just great being together as a family! Daddy and Sarah momentLICK licks...just one of the girls favoritesJim and Angela came out for a short visit too. Love this photo.We ate ALOT.CHIPS!and the I LOVE CHIPS faceMore daddy Sarah timeEverybody lies on the couch naked at some pointCool, "noculers".The shirt brings out the blueness in her lips. Like I said so cold in the morning. Brr, I shiver just thinking of it.A walk to the parkPark play timeWe LOVE the swings, daddy too!Monkey bars, hangand sliding too.Climbingand swimming. Sarah is such a water girl! Kaitlin not so much, but got all the way to her button.
Sand artBusy girls went back and forth with bucket after bucket of water
Can't wait to go back next year, although I will be packing some warmer cloths for the morning.