Sunday, January 23, 2011

What to do?

Mom to mom. What do you do when your at your wits end with your child(ren).
Some moms use internet sites (Facebook, babyfit whatever it may be), some may use tv ( talk shows, soaps) and some probably use food (salty chips and that 2lb chocolate bar hidden away in the pantry or under the mattress...heehee).

Well what do I do? I drink...Haha, bet you all didn't know that. And to tame your worries my drink of choice is WATER.
So when Kaitlin and Sarah are whining at me, clingy and just plain miserable I can be seen with a BIG glass in my hand guzzling a cold glass of water....usually from my New Moon cup (hello.... you all didn't know I am a Twimom!?!) And when possible a good little chat with my mom, water in hand does me a world of good....oh and getting out of the house too.

Yeah, I love the internet but rarely use it when the girls are up, day time tv doesn't interest me that much...and yes I have hidden a 2lb chocolate bar in the pantry and sneak some chips from time to time, but somehow sipping some water takes the edge of the day off.

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