Sunday, January 23, 2011

Sunday ALONE time with Kaitlin

I have been missing my Kaitlin time lately. So Kaitlin and I are going to try to have some special alone time together on sundays.
Kaitlin LOVES grocery shopping lately and is such a BIG helper. Taking things from the shelf (that are actually on the list)and putting them into the cart. Or picking out fruit/vegis and putting them into a bag and then putting them into the cart. YES, my little helper. Of course a cookie from the bakery helps too!
So today I buckled Kaitlin up (gotta mention that I took a purse and not a diaper bag...that's something I haven't done in a LONG time) and we went grocery shopping. And then a special trip to TIM HORTON'S. Yum, yum!

LOVE this one with the "donut" stuck on her teeth!

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