Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Kaitlin and mommy

Cute, beautiful, determined, independant, negotiator, fighter, sinsitive, loving, rambuctious, wild, funny, bossy, furosious, picky, caring, generous, kind, smart, strong willed, unique.  The words could keep coming.  Kaitlin is all of this and more.  She makes me smile, laugh and cry all in the same day.  I love her "atrillion houses", "to the moon and back", but she can get my blood boilng faster then anything.  I have the hardest time with Kaitlin.  We but heads and will have yelling matches.  We are to simular.  She is me and I am her. I am brought to tears in frustration, but that fristration turns to smiles and silly games.  I am so thankfull for my Kaitlin(yellow teeth and all)! 

A garden

With the ground still frozen, Jemahl went out to the back yard in attempts to make a garden.  He dug and dug (made some pretty good muscles) in the frozen dirt and gave up till the ground was a little more thawed.  He went out got the wood, dirt, fertilizer and hammered away and built me a garden.
A couple months before Leah was born I was out planting the garden.  Carrots, dill, peas, beans, cucumber and raspberries.
Jemahl would come home from work each day and would look for a sprout and then come in telling me I messed up the garden.  I reminded him it just took time....yes time and our garden did blossom. 
 The pants never stay on long...nothing like being half nude in the summer watering the garden
                      The weeds from just one day...alot can get accomplished at nap time!
We enjoyed ice cream pails full of fresh peas, a hand full of raspberries (next year will be a gooder, I think), green and yellow beans and even some carrots.  It was very tasty.  Can't wait to do it all again next year....but hopefully with alot less weeds. 

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Run away

She wanted to have a McDonald's picnic in the front yard...this is a normal activity, but the weather just wasn't up to my standards and Leah needed to be fed.  She was UPSET.  She wanted to run away.  I told her she couldn't run away she would be hungry.  Come inside for McDonald's and after lunch and quiet time I would pack her a run away bag....with a change of clothes, a snack and a book and then she could run away.  She came running to me...ha got her.  Things are all better, she didn't run away!

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


I downloaded instagram on to my cell phone and I love it!  I have never edited pictures before.  I try to get the perfect picture and leave it at that.  So this little app allows me to edit a picture right on my cell phone and then send it to where ever I want it to go facebook, twitter what not. I have followers that can look at my pictures, like them and comment on them.  Oh gesh, I'm such an out of date geek.  I'm sure you all know what instagram is. 

So here they are for you all! Yeah, alot...and that was only half of them.  I'm addicted!  Oh and my picture subjects are just to cute and sweet not to take a picture of.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

6 years

Six years have come and gone in a flash.  That's how many years ago that Jemahl and I started our married life together. 
6 years ago I woke up with butterflies in my tummy.  After makeup was perfect and hair was just right I put on my white dress and held on to my dads arm and walked down the aisle to my handsome prince dressed and looking so fine.  We became husband and wife and started a life of our own.
Jump forward to today, three precious, beautiful and perfect girls later I have found that marriage is  not easy.  It is alot of work, but one of the most rewarding things that I have done aside from Kaitlin, Sarah and Leah.  I look forward to many, many more years of falling even more in love with my prince.

I love you babe!  You are my provider, my friend, my partner.  I can't wait to the times we share together and falling even more in love with you.
This week has been a quiet one.  Kaitlin and Sarah are making there way back with my mom after spending the whole week at my mom and dads.  Jemahl and my mom met half way last sunday and loaded up my moms car with the BIG girls, car seats and suitcase for adventures and fun with Granny and Papa....and I stayed at home with Leah with a little bit of hesitation and almost wanting the girls to come back.  I knew they would have fun, I knew they were in good hands and I knew I would miss them.  That night I had the chills and felt feverish and achy.  I needed this break! 
So this week was a week for cuddling with my new little baby, sleeping, reading, blogging and no schedule.  Well the week has been busy with staying in my pajamas until mid morning, bonding with Leah, pediatrician appts, the odd day of sleeping in, organizing, shopping, movies/tv and alone time with Jemahl.
On Leah's 4 week birthday, Leah and I celebrated by going to a movie.  She was a great date and slept almost through the whole movie,but not without some cuddles.
While the girls were away I had 2 pediatrician appointments for Leah. On tuesdays appt Leah weighed 4lbs 12 ounces and just 2 and 1/2 days later she had jumped up to 5lbs and 3 ounces.  Yay, Leah!
Kaitlin and Sarah are now back at home.  It was a joyful reunion.  God, I sure do love those girls!  They had a BLAST and a half with many adventures with Granny and Papa.  My new favorite thing that I discovered while they were away was talking on the phone with them.  They sounded so grown up and so smart.  They made me laugh and smile.  I am so proud of my girls!

Although I didn't spend hours upon hours sleeping, my time at home with Leah and Jemahl was incredible.  I feel rested in a way and now Im ready for the adventures of being a mommy to 3 precious girls!   

Friday, August 3, 2012

A sis sis for Kaitlin and Sarah

 A couple days ago from the kitchen I here a sweet little voice saying " I love my sis sis Leah!"  And inside I BEAM!