Sunday, August 12, 2012

6 years

Six years have come and gone in a flash.  That's how many years ago that Jemahl and I started our married life together. 
6 years ago I woke up with butterflies in my tummy.  After makeup was perfect and hair was just right I put on my white dress and held on to my dads arm and walked down the aisle to my handsome prince dressed and looking so fine.  We became husband and wife and started a life of our own.
Jump forward to today, three precious, beautiful and perfect girls later I have found that marriage is  not easy.  It is alot of work, but one of the most rewarding things that I have done aside from Kaitlin, Sarah and Leah.  I look forward to many, many more years of falling even more in love with my prince.

I love you babe!  You are my provider, my friend, my partner.  I can't wait to the times we share together and falling even more in love with you.

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