Friday, August 3, 2012

Glued to the couch

I am a breast feeder.  I love it.  I love the bond that I have when I am cradling my baby and providing her nourishment.  I breastfed Kaitlin for a little over 10 months.  With Sarah I nursed for 19 months.  I couldn't stop and feared that she would be my last baby so I was not ready to stop.  Leah arrives....and here I sit on the couch. Stuck. Attached. Fastened. Frozen in one place.  It takes time, a long time and many times through out the day.  Sure it's not always rainbows, learning to nurse a new baby has it's challenges both with the new baby and other members of the family.  It causes fights and a huge overwhelming feeling of love.
Sure I could be doing something else.  Picking up the dirty lunch dishes, sweeping the floor, doing the laundry, but instead I provide, I learn to understand my new baby, I read to Kaitlin and Sarah, I play games, I stroke their heads, clasp her tiny hand, I laugh, I cry, I AM HAPPY!  I am a breast feeder and I am proud of it!

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