Sunday, August 12, 2012

This week has been a quiet one.  Kaitlin and Sarah are making there way back with my mom after spending the whole week at my mom and dads.  Jemahl and my mom met half way last sunday and loaded up my moms car with the BIG girls, car seats and suitcase for adventures and fun with Granny and Papa....and I stayed at home with Leah with a little bit of hesitation and almost wanting the girls to come back.  I knew they would have fun, I knew they were in good hands and I knew I would miss them.  That night I had the chills and felt feverish and achy.  I needed this break! 
So this week was a week for cuddling with my new little baby, sleeping, reading, blogging and no schedule.  Well the week has been busy with staying in my pajamas until mid morning, bonding with Leah, pediatrician appts, the odd day of sleeping in, organizing, shopping, movies/tv and alone time with Jemahl.
On Leah's 4 week birthday, Leah and I celebrated by going to a movie.  She was a great date and slept almost through the whole movie,but not without some cuddles.
While the girls were away I had 2 pediatrician appointments for Leah. On tuesdays appt Leah weighed 4lbs 12 ounces and just 2 and 1/2 days later she had jumped up to 5lbs and 3 ounces.  Yay, Leah!
Kaitlin and Sarah are now back at home.  It was a joyful reunion.  God, I sure do love those girls!  They had a BLAST and a half with many adventures with Granny and Papa.  My new favorite thing that I discovered while they were away was talking on the phone with them.  They sounded so grown up and so smart.  They made me laugh and smile.  I am so proud of my girls!

Although I didn't spend hours upon hours sleeping, my time at home with Leah and Jemahl was incredible.  I feel rested in a way and now Im ready for the adventures of being a mommy to 3 precious girls!   

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