Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Kaitlin and mommy

Cute, beautiful, determined, independant, negotiator, fighter, sinsitive, loving, rambuctious, wild, funny, bossy, furosious, picky, caring, generous, kind, smart, strong willed, unique.  The words could keep coming.  Kaitlin is all of this and more.  She makes me smile, laugh and cry all in the same day.  I love her "atrillion houses", "to the moon and back", but she can get my blood boilng faster then anything.  I have the hardest time with Kaitlin.  We but heads and will have yelling matches.  We are to simular.  She is me and I am her. I am brought to tears in frustration, but that fristration turns to smiles and silly games.  I am so thankfull for my Kaitlin(yellow teeth and all)! 

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