Wednesday, July 25, 2012

First glance at my little girl.....perfection!
Our newest little addition made her arrival on July 8th at 5:29 am.  She came out screaming at 37 weeks as tiny as a peanut weighing in at 4lbs and 2 ounces.  Little Leah spent just a little over a week in NICU while I recovered in post partum for a couple days. When I was discharged on wednesday July 11th days after my c section I was determined to make all of Leahs feedings.  It was an overwhelming, exhausting and emotional time, but I knew that Leah was in good hands in the NICU and my home away from home (Thank you so much Anna Skene) made it so much easier to come and go and still fit in bits of relaxing and rest.
On July 16th, Leah and I had the chance to room in with each other at pediatrics without her IV or moniter cord, assesment or tests.  She was free from NICU and she was in my arms.  I am so ecstatic that our stay in NICU was short and sweet. 
Leah was discharged from the hospital on the 17th of July! We are home and falling more in love with her as the days pass.

Touching Leah for the first time

Leah's bed in NICU on her 1 week birthday!

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