Thursday, July 26, 2012

This is serwious....

While Leah was in NICU I would hold her up too me and say to her "This is a serious conversation".  She looked up at me as if to listen and I would go on telling her that she needed to burp for me or nurse good so she could gain weight.  My mom was able to catch just one of these many serious conversations.
 PS.  Kaitlin and Sarah are really into The Wonderpets right now...those of you who watch the Treehouse show Wonderpets would understand my words....this is serwious!
 Yep, she kisses back...even more so when she's hungry

                                                                ......This is sewrious

Leah says HELLO

Mini photo shoot....Little Miss Leah says "HELLO" to you all!

Kaitlin and Sarah meet Leah

On Saturday, July 7th the girls were tucked into bed like any normal night.  I sat down with Jemahl too watch some tv and just didn't feel right.  After relaxing all day this was surprising.  I felt dizzy, had shouting pain up my foot, lots of swelling and my legs were very sore so Jemahl and I drove into Calgary while my mom stayed with the girls.  When we got to the hospital I was sent to a triage room and was assessed by doctors.  After hearing that my ob doctor was thinking I would not go past 37 weeks, which was just hours away my nurse started me on an IV and I was told in just several hours I would be sent to the OR.  The following pictures are of Kaitlin and Sarah seeing their little new "sis sis" Leah for the first time when Jemahl came home to share the news.  I love the look of love and excitement they have. 

 A day later they had the chance to meet Leah in person.  YAY!  Kaitlin and Sarah are so in love with little Leah.  They shower her with kisses and love helping with diaper changes.  They are gentle, caring and very motherly to her.  Leah loves staring up at them and I know they will be best friends for life sharing many memories and adventures together over the years.  I look forward to being a spectator, mother and friend to my 3 girls.  Our family is complete!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

First glance at my little girl.....perfection!
Our newest little addition made her arrival on July 8th at 5:29 am.  She came out screaming at 37 weeks as tiny as a peanut weighing in at 4lbs and 2 ounces.  Little Leah spent just a little over a week in NICU while I recovered in post partum for a couple days. When I was discharged on wednesday July 11th days after my c section I was determined to make all of Leahs feedings.  It was an overwhelming, exhausting and emotional time, but I knew that Leah was in good hands in the NICU and my home away from home (Thank you so much Anna Skene) made it so much easier to come and go and still fit in bits of relaxing and rest.
On July 16th, Leah and I had the chance to room in with each other at pediatrics without her IV or moniter cord, assesment or tests.  She was free from NICU and she was in my arms.  I am so ecstatic that our stay in NICU was short and sweet. 
Leah was discharged from the hospital on the 17th of July! We are home and falling more in love with her as the days pass.

Touching Leah for the first time

Leah's bed in NICU on her 1 week birthday!

Saturday, July 7, 2012

Excuse me for not posting in over 3 months.  Today at 37 weeks I sit in a quite house.  Jemahl has taken Kaitlin on a special "date" at the Stampede.  My mom is also visiting trying to help me with final things and letting me rest up before this next little girl comes....If only letting go of everything was easier for me and I could except help in every area.  Sarah is out with my mom at the moment on a special "date" also. Yes, the house is quite.  It's's a treat.  I usually run out to get my me time so this is different and I'm enjoying it.  I'm not running around trying to get the walls scrubbed or folding laundry that has been forgotten in the dryer for 3 days.  I'm RESTING.  Ha ha, like that will happen ever again, but I am enjoying it!
Since my last post my sister has become a mommy herself to the sweetest little girl ever!  Emilie is such a delight!  When I met her for the first time at 4 days old she was already smiling.  I love our visits and so look forward to seeing her grow up.
Things have been a little bit different with this pregnancy.  BUSY...I have barely slowed down to take a picture of myself being pregnant.  Yesterday, Jan came over to do a little photo shoot of the baby belly and in just less then a week I will probably be holding this baby in my arms and my family will be complete.  This pregnancy has been so uncomfortable.  With carpal tunnel my hands are constantly numb and I have had issues just doing little things like picking up a pencil and stirring noodles in a pot. Swelling, dizziness, some chest pain, frequent ultrasounds and appts and just getting up and down have made this pregnancy difficult.  But with that said, I wanted things in this pregnancy that I didn't get to experience when being pregnant with Kaitlin and Sarah and am thrilled that I have.  So it makes it easier knowing that this is my last pregnancy, my last baby and that yes my family is complete when I bring this baby home!
Kaitlin and Sarah are thrilled about the baby coming.  For the last 2 months our living room has been set up as a baby room.  Tucked in a corner Kaitlin has a baby bed, with a bassinet, chair, bottles, piles of baby doll cloths and stroller.  Oh and about 9 dolls.  It has over taken the living room so each day I try to take a few pieces away a put them downstairs in the playroom where they belong.  But as soon as Kaitlin comes down from quite time she notices and will let me know her displeasure. Her favorite baby, baby Sarah goes with us everywhere.  She was actually in Kaitlin's tummy and came out just shortly after Emilie was born.  Sarah also had a baby in her tummy and she recently became a mommy too.  They have been included in many appts and preparing the baby room.  I can't wait to see these precious girls with their new sister.