Thursday, February 9, 2012


First time walking down to our local frozen pond
First time putting on skates
First time skating as a family
= Loads of fun, smiles, laughs and big chills.

Thursday, February 2, 2012


Yeah, Im that far behind......So unhappy with blogging. But here I go again.
This is one of the girls new Christmas toys. My deal of the holiday season. I found a coupon for 25% off any Melissa and Doug toy. I waited and waited for these fantastic cardboard boxes to go on sale. No way was I going to pay the $50 for these simple blocks. Finally 2 days before
the sale coupon expired they went on sale. I got them for just $19. Whoo hoo! Yay, couponing! Even better, the girls LOVE them!

On her own

Alone and entertaining herself is one of Sarah's new little skill. Many times I will have to look on all three floors of the house before I find Sarah. The other day she was being naughty (by the way - my favorite word right now describing the girls BAD attitude), screaming, pushing and just plain unpleasant. I put her up in her room and told her she needed to read stories and calm down. I went to the basement with Kaitlin and Brock turned on the monitor. She was whimpering around for a few minutes. Then started reading and then I heard her little voice singing "Jesus loves me". I melted. A few minutes later I went up to release her. She did not want to come back down. Kaitlin went up to get her.
How is my 2 year and 2 month old this independent!

Hard at work

Prior to this winter I would take the girls outside even in the cold. This year being outside has not been for me. Brrr. Thing is we have had such a mild winter, but I am so over winter. On our way to pick up the big kids after school we got busy shoveling and running around the front yard. It will be so great to get back outside and enjoy even nicer weather.

It's a train

We live just houses away from a train track. Have I ever mentioned Sarah loves trains. Here we are watching the train.

The clean up

Real is best! This year however was the worst yet. Our tree decided to NOT drink at all. I think I filled it up 5 times and we set it up the first weekend in December. Not because I forgot or was to busy. It just did not drink. It was a beautiful tree, big all around, didn't tip over or end up on the ground. It smelt amazing too.
It took 20 minutes of scraping it up with our hands and filling a Walmart bag full of needles before we could even bring out the vacuum. You know what I'd do it all over again! Sarah's Uh Oh!

Wow, doll house!

We celebrated Christmas with "The Morgan's", my mom and dad, sister and brother in law, brother and sister in law early. It was a great to all be together.
For a month prior to this day my mom and dad were kept busy building a doll house. Wow, did it ever turn out AWESOME! It's really crazy what one can do with their hands. My dad was the constructor and my mom helped with the finishing. Hours upon hours of work will be enjoyed for a very very long time.
Kaitlin and Sarah love there doll house! Christmas and birthdays have brought more furnishings so I will get around to taking some more pictures and showing you all just how much fun this little gem is! Even I get into it arranging the furniture and playing with the girls.

Breakfest time

Is one of my favorite times of day, not because I like the foods that breakfast offers but because it's a special time that Sarah and I share together. Sarah is my early riser and Kaitlin makes her appearance 30 minutes to an hour or so after Sarah.
During this time Sarah and I will eat, chat and even watch a toon snuggling together on the couch. Many cute things are said, new looks and expressions are passed and just a LOVE for each others company.

Christmas 2012

Christmas morning......Girls running down the stairs in excitement wondering if Santa really did come. And to find out and say in a whisper "Santa came"!

Kaitlin's stockingSarah's stockingThe tree and all of our presentsCouldn't get it all on in one picture....over board much. Well, couponing is just so great even at Christmas time.The girls had to put together one of their stocking stuffers right away!