Thursday, August 25, 2011

Box house

Kaitlin and Sarah are the proud owners of a big box house with a special thanks to Granny that comes equipped with (a drawn on) sink, stove, tv and fireplace. A front door and screened in back door as well as 2 windows. It's a "fun house" for sure!

Helping hands & ANTS

My mom and dad, with Sam's help have been working on building a fence. Here Kaitlin and Sarah are helping Granny put some stain on some fence posts. Sarah found a nice shady spot behind the garage and went to town trying to catch some busy ants scurrying along the side walk.

Library time

Kaitlin and Sarah are in library heaven when we visit the library in Wainwright. It has the cutest little kids section, tucked away in the basement with a big wooden truck that the girls climb into a drive. Toys are scattered through out and cute child sized seats make it so homey. A few trips have ended in tears because they are not ready to leave.

I go gaga over books. I myself could spend hours at the library or can hide out at Chapters so I am ecstatic that Kaitlin and Sarah share my love.

Were going on a BERRY hunt

We found lots of juicy ones! We picked buckets upon buckets of raspberries. Hmm, summer time! What do you do with buckets upon buckets of raspberries.....You eat, you freeze, you make jam and then you eat some more again. Sarah ate more then she pickedSo proud of her stashand just a wee bit dirty.

After nap time cuddles

Love these moments. Hair all over the place, little girl sleepy breath (deep breath in). Im waking up, I need a hug moments. Just precious!

Little girl in a BIG bed

The sleeping situation at Granny and Papa's house was a little different this time. Usually Sarah snoozes in her little playpen, but we tried something new. My mom lowered the mattress down to the ground and Sarah spent her first night in a big girl bed...and a sleepover with her sis sis. It worked out SO well. I did have to lay down with her, but she didn't come out and she slept the whole night with barely a peep. So, I thought while we are away lets get daddy to take down her crib and set up a toddler bed.When we got home and she saw her new big girl bed she was thrilled, but that is another post to come.

Truck trucking, truck hauling, truck dumping

Taking a second out of her playing to make smiles for the camera.I love HER! She was talking a mile a minute as she was playing. Life is so simple when visiting my mom and dad. The house isn't over run by toys, the day isn't chalk full. Sure we stay busy but the girls find fun with the little things. Like playing in the rock garden with an old truck, probably bought at a garage sale.

Meet Benny

A slow moving, um not moving garden turtle that Kaitlin found amoungst her Grannies flowers. Which immediantly was named Benny. While Sarah was swimming in the pool Kaitlin was playing, feeding and tending to her prized little turtle, Benny!

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Swimming @ Granny and Papa's

The girls (especially Sarah), enjoyed their little wadding pool at Granny and Papa's house. Just one of the many special little gifts from Granny during our summer stay. As you can see Sarah is ALL smiles! Head in blowing bubbles and having a marvelous swimKaitlin has never been wild about swimming, but she did join in on some swimming fun. Although playing with Benny was more her thing.
The first picture gives you a peek of Granny and Papa's new fence. Good work dad and Sam!

Friday, August 12, 2011

Happy 5th

Today Jemahl and I celebrate our 5th anniversary. Wow, time sure does fly by. I remember waking up the day of my wedding in LOVE and ready to start my life with the man of my dreams. 5 years later, I am thrilled to be waking up next to him every morning.
He is my world. We have shared so many happy moments filled with laughter and joys. Times with tears, fears and misunderstandings. I don't know where I would be without him right now.

Jemahl I love you and can't wait to share the rest of our lives together, for better, for worse, in sickness and in health. I love you, babe!

A few shots on our wedding day and the newest of just the 2 of us during our trip to Vegas in May.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

I did it again

Yep, another round of savings! Here's what I got:

Purex laundry detergent x2
Listerine Zero
Benadryl x2
Disolve laundry detergent strips x2
Febreeze air freshner
Sponge Towel 2 roll

Totaling = $13.24

What, how did I do that!

Littlest Princess

Rocking the crown upside down and hamming it up, that's my little Princess. Princess Sarah!

Sunshine even on a grey day

LOVE to all

Sending our LOVE to all of you!

We may not be across the street, but Im hoping it makes you feel like you are apart of our family when you can not be here. W e love you all....sending our love your way right to your homes and hearts. We miss you!