Monday, April 4, 2011

The Little Gym

Kaitlin is becoming my little gymnast! She has now been enrolled in the SUPER BEASTS gymnastics program at The Little Gym for a couple months. Learning basic motor skills such as aerobics and beginning gymnastic skills, songs, hula hoops, parachute, jumping castle mat (also known as a blow up trampoline), stretching, ball play and bubbles. She loves it, I love it and from the bottom pictures Sarah loves it too. Some of her favorites so far is the balance beams and the rings. She has shown me how strong she is and how independent she can be. Very soon she will be moving up to the next non parented class which I am very excited for as it has gotten really hard having Sarah in the class also...she is doing everything that the 2 1/2 - 3 years olds are doing. Kaitlin on the balance beam with her teacher Miss. Tracy!
Arms out like an airplane.....that's how we walk across the balance beam.

Climbing up the wall and holding on to a bar.

And like I said Sarah's right with us. She is going to be so sad when she finds out she can't join.

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