Friday, March 11, 2011

She is understanding SO much

Sarah is just amazing me each and every day. She is understanding so much. It is just so incredible. In the last week and a half she has picked up animal sounds. a cat. a dog, an elephant and her favorite right now Pepepe (sounds like she's blowing kisses as she says it)....a fishy.
I will ask her to find her juice and she will leave the room and come back with her sippy cup. Do you want to eat Sarah? She runs to the kitchen table. When I say danger, danger she looks at me and pauses. Such a good little listener. She likes responding with YEAH alot. It's the cutest.
It's just so awesome seeing her learn and discover new things each day. I LOVE her, she's just SO clever (as my Grandpa Halwas always use to say)!

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