Sunday, December 12, 2010

Sarah turns 1!

Sarah celebrated her FIRST birthday on the 26th of November. And then again at a shared birthday crab night celebration (My mom and good family friend Anna) on the 27th.
Friday, the 26th - Okay, so I may have gone a little over board...well ALOT overboard. It was suppose to be this simple party, but the preparing, cleaning, baking and food was not all that simple. But, it was FUN! We had a total of 9 adults, 4 babies (under 15 months) and 4 children. Play time was fun, visiting was good and food was a success. A big plate of fruit, vegis, cake\cupcakes and a whooping 9 pizzas to feed us all. Sarah had a GREAT night. She especially enjoyed all the attention, gifts and smooshing the cake!

Then again on the 27th, I made these adorable little Teddy @ the beach cupcakes with a crab (to go along with the theme CRAB night). It was great to see the Skene family again as it has been awhile since we had last all been together....2 days after Sarah was born to be exact. And the crab, oh the crab was D - E - L - I - C - I - O - U - S with all the butter. Hmmm, I making myself hungry just thinking of it.

So my little baby is not such a baby anymore....okay she is still little (not even on the charts LITTLE), but I think she is just perfect. And anyone who meets her thinks she just about the cutest thing also with her BIG blue eyes. She always steals someones attention.
Sarah is now crawling like a pro and has been for months, she is almost the proud owner of 4 teeth, although teething is not her favorite thing (Jan and Mark, Thank you again for the teething necklace...I think it's pretty amazing), loves climbing (usually the stairs....eecks :0 ), dances, claps, trys to sing along to some special songs (Twinkle, Twinkle little star and Hands up high to name a few). She is walking on her own behind a stroller/walker or toddler shopping cart, but her favorite mode of transportation is still crawling.
She also has a huge list of words....I was thinking about it just this morning. Geesh she is almost saying 10 words. Isn't that alot?!? Oh and she is still peeing in the potty 2 to 3 times a day. Yeah proud mommy here.
Here are those words:
mom - me or baby mum mums (one of her favorite snacks)
da - dad, but can also mean a few other things....she will point and say da
baw - ball
bawl - balloon
uwp - up
sou - also known as sous in our house...a soother!
hi - well that explains itself
Papa - my dad or Santa and possible the christmas!

Hmm what else to say....Sarah still hasn't learnt the trick of sleeping. Although when she was alot younger she was sleeping through the night. Jemahl looks forward to the day she is sleeping through the night again.
Sarah is adorable with Kaitlin. Many times I will be on the kitchen and I can hear the 2 of them laughing hysterically. Sarah's is always ready with a hug or kiss for her sis sis Kaitlin and Kaitlin often gives her hugs and kisses back.
I could keep on going with stories and little tid bits of what's happening with Sarah (at rapid speed) in our house, but I should probably stop.

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