Friday, March 26, 2010

Sarah's trip to the Children's Hospital

Last night I took Sarah into to the Children's hospital to have her checked out. Wow, what a night. We arrived at 9:45 pm and got home at 5:00am. At 3:45 we saw the doctor...Broncilitis and RSV. A common cold for adults, but in young babies and children it can be dangerous. Breathing issues, respiratory problems. fun. We were sent home and now are now on watch.
Sarah was a trouper giving smiles in her discomfort and snoozing away in my arms. I was lucky to get all the extra cuddles, but wish I could have been sick for her.
Little Sarah is napping beside me as I type, all congested, but is doing fairly well. Kaitlin on the other hand is fighting nap due to her teething and nasty cold/cough.

Oh the sleep deprived nights and days of being a mommy but I wouldn't change it for the world!

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