Thursday, April 5, 2012


Pretend sleepover in mommy and daddies bedroom. Can you not see the excitement ?!?
I have been preparing the girls for "sleepovers". Well, if you haven't heard yet Jemahl and I are expecting again! We are happy to announce that Kaitlin and Sarah will be having a little SISTER! Another girl! Girl power, in this house...poor daddy! Hahaha, actually lucky daddy!
As I type this I am 23 weeks pregnant. I'm doing well! With Kaitlin I was nauseous from 7 weeks till about 13. Sarah was a little longer and with this little girl I still wake up some mornings feeling incredibly yucky, but happy to say this happens fewer mornings. My belly is expanding and this baby is growing and kicking!
So back to sleepovers....I have been preparing the girls! We have been talking about it and looking forward to the day that they would move in together.
Together we picked out a theme for the room. For Sarah we picked little birdies. SO sweet! I then gave Kaitlin three choices. Butterflies, cupcakes or frogs. She picked butterflies! PERFECT!
With my moms help we found the perfect pink paint and set out making the room "whispery and calm, yet fun". After trips to the fabric store and online I sewed new duvet covers for each of them and added lots of fun bold colours, branches, birds and butterflies.
With a few projects left to do the girls are happy in their new bedroom and doing SO well sleeping together! What a relief!
I will post a finished post soon....just a couple more things to do!

One of a kind

Kaitlin LOVES playing by herself and is so imaginative and UNIQUE. Here she is playing mommy and helping her teddy bear and baby go down the slide. See her attire! Yep, she is unique.
She had a Hawaiian day at school on this day and since I remembered about it last minute that morning I looked in my drawer for something beachy for her to wear. She went to school wearing a waves tank top, skinny tights and my old sarong. It was a very interesting outfit, but totally suited her.
Now here comes the silly part, as soon as she walks in the door off goes the cloths. She always wants to be naked. She would correct me though if she were to read this...."I'm not naked. I'm wearing panties." There was no way I was gonna let her outside naked so she kept "mommies shirt on" and added her jacket then snuck outside. Little booger. Such a sense of style...