Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Just Kaitlin and me

When Kaitlin is in school on tuesdays and thursdays I get to have a couple hours of just mommy and Sarah time. Sadly on other days Sarah more often then not needs my attention, household chores beckon me and daily things pile up that I need to get done. I know that Kaitlin thrives on one on one attention so a couple weekends ago the 2 of us took a trip to Heritage Park! It was such a good Kiki and mommy day! And boy we did alot. We got ride passes. Went on the boat ride, a fast spinney ride, the carasole, a little ferris wheel and a boat swing ride. We got candy (overpriced) from the candy store, ate a greasy lunch together, saw trains and horses. Like I said we were busy.
I just love my little Kaitlin so much. I have some very difficult moments with her and yes she can make me blow up, but she really is the sweetest girl. She loves the extra attention. Her whole attitude changes when we are happily engaged, playing with each other and doing something that she enjoys. Kaitlin is so independent (except when she doesn't want to be...and yes she has that at times) that she keeps herself busy playing and I keep myself busy too. I need to remind myself to slow down and just be with Kaitlin. A little train...to bad we missed the ride. At least we got to climb in and sit down for some pictures.

Eating candy...it's the "Im eating candy", sugar high smile!
Kaitlin goes on the mini ferris wheel all on her ownWay up there...it scares me a little. Not because she's up high or anything, that my 1st baby is really growing up. Im not ready for her to grow up.The look in her eye says, what's that? Processing something

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