Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Come in to my mind

For days now I have been thinking about how I can be a good role model for Kaitlin and Sarah. Sadly, I feel like I am failing at this. A mother never feels like what she is doing is enough. I feel as if I am the one causing problems. I know I am a good mother, but am I perfect?
I am the best mom for Kaitlin and Sarah but I know I need to work on things that will make me an even greater mother. My thing is right now I don't know how to change these things.
How do I set a good example for my children when I am yelling at them and saying don't yell at me or when I say share with your sister and I don't share my snack. Do I whine too much and that's where Kaitlin hears it and why she does it? How can I be a good role model for Kaitlin and Sarah?
Every night at prayer time with the girls I say help mommy to be a good role model to Kaitlin and Sarah. I hope God is hearing my prayer and will soon send me an answer.

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