Friday, February 25, 2011

BOOKS, Books, books, we love them!

Speak your mind

I am shy...always have been. I kinda let people push me around. Walk on me and make choices for me. Why? Isn't that horrible. I have to speak my mind. When Sarah was admitted into the hospital, shortly after she was taken off of the oxygen. I did NOT think she was ready for it to be taken off. Yet I didn't say anything.
Sarah and I were in isolation and I didn't feel right just leaving her in the room on her own. I went without eating lunch that day...why didn't I say anything?!?
After being in isolation for 6 hours and bored of looking out the window I asked for some toys. The nurse brought 2 books and one toy in. much for a stimulated toddler. But then why didn't I say something.
This was just one day and other days are much like that day. Arghhh....something I need to work on. I don't need to please everyone I need to take care of myself and my little family.


Why do children get sick so often and so much?!? Sarah has had a rough couple of weeks. We have been back and forth from our family doctor, urgent care (5 minutes from our house) and the Children's hospital. It all started with a HIGH fever then a horrible cough and a pouring nose. Then her breathing got rapid and just to scary so I took her in and she was diagnosed with bronchilitis (RSV). Sarah was given many puffs of steriods a oral steroid and oxygen and was then transpotred to our Children's Hospital. Luckily, only short stay after being admitted she was released about 8 hours after arriving.

Dora Celebration

On February 12th we threw Kaitlin a Dora themed birthday party! Playing, pizza, cake. Pinuta fun, a special little craft and presents. It was a fun day. Thanks everyone for coming. You all made Kaitlin's day!
Yes, I made the cake (with my moms help in decorating). I think it looked GREAT!

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Stay and Play

For christmas the girls received a playgroup as a gift! Every tuesday we attend a fun group for playing, sliding, dancing, music, stories and craft. It has been fun and both the girls and I look forward to going every week!

I will have to take my camera again next tuesday. The girls love their pretend play. But they also like playing with the car ramp, tunnel and slide. And shake when they dance and play their morracas or as Kaitlin says macca's.

Thanks Jan and Mark!

Hair messy after nap...nope I don't see that. I see beauty! Perfection!


After a walk and playing at the park, Sarah fell asleep in her tabogon. She was out cold.

Where did those....

CURLS come from?!? Yesterday, after breakfast and a hair full of yogurt Sarah's hair was SUPER curly. Curlier then Kaitlin's. It was so cute. After a lot of water and brushing her hair just went POUF!
Today, curls gone. So take this as a tip if you want curly sticky, hard to comb hair just smoosh a whole lot of yogurt in your hair. :)

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Someone turned THREE!

McDonald's for lunch for the BIRTHDAY girl!And Kaitlin's special ball "BALLHE"Sarah too
Mommy and BIRTHDAY girl!
Birthday cupcakes....oh so yummy! And so messy too!Present time!
Yesterday, February 1st we celebrated Kaitlin's 3rd (yes...3rd) birthday! I really can't believe she is 3. How did that time go by so quickly?!? I say that, and it honestly feels like she has been with Jemahl and me forever.
I am one of the luckiest moms on the earth. Sure we have difficult moments in our day. But Kaitlin is truly the best daughter that I could ask for. She is full of JOY and LOVE. So sensitive, tender hearted so smart in many different ways and so imaginative. We just LOVE her to bits!

Some of Kaitlin's LOVES
Dora The Explorer and Go Diego Go - The adventures, the characters, the songs. Everything about Dora! She evens plays Dora. While I am fixing supper or cleaning the dishes Kaitlin isn't far from me and I hear snippets of her playing Dora....or Diego. This year we will be having a Dora birthday party adventure with some close friends and Kaitlin is so excited for this. She does not want to wait the 11 days.

Pretend play - Kitchen, cooking, cleaning, pretend makeup, dressing up (oh, this includes finding her Prince at a ball....usually Zach. Her pen pal!) and doctors.

Sarah - Okay, okay sometimes it's a love, hate relationship, but the way they play together and hug and kiss each other. Kaitlin adores her sis sis!

Ride on toys, running, jumping, swinging, sliding ( you get it) - Kaitlin is a very active little girl. Rarely sitting still.

Books, puzzles and colouring/crafts - One those rare occasions that she does sit still these are her favorites. Mostly books...she LOVES reading them on her own and sitting with Jemahl or me and having a book read to her.

Toons (cartoons) - Already said Dora and Diego, But Cailliou and Max and Ruby top her fav list.

Building - Blocks, kid knex, forts.
Music - Well, really just making noise....all beautiful noise! Singing and finger plays. We are going to a Toddler time program that takes place at our library that bot Kaitlin and Sarah adore. Since starting 3 weeks ago, Kaitlin has been singing the songs and doing the actions too.