Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Sarah bear

Hehehe, I love this one. To cute! These glasses make me laugh so much and she loves them too and will laugh at herself.Sarah dressed up as a little chick for Hallaween...she was just the cutest.Messy after a yummy lunch at a playdate with friends!Are these my panties mom?I can't believe in just 2 and bit short weeks Sarah will be celebrating her 1st birthday. She is astounding me daily with the new things that she is learning. Her vocabulary is slowly getting larger. Her favorite words are mam (mom), du, da (which are really very simular, but mean completly different things), papa, bue bye (and waves at the same time too).
Sarah is pulling herself up, standing with very little support and walking with help....and still peeing in the potty on occasion. Some nights she thinks that waking up every 2 hours is perfect...not so perfect for everyone else in the house. When she does sleep through the nightshe decides that 4:30 or 5:00 is the perfect time to wake up for the day. Lucky mommy gets lots of baby time in the wee hours of the morning. With all of this sleeping challenges I would not be surprised if she pops one or two or even three teeth in the next little while.
She loves playing with her sister....and is such a good player. She is also a huge eater. Eating everythig that I eat, and if she doesn't she gets mad.
Oh and she is so independant...knows exactly what she wants and will let you know if she doesn't get it.
I am so incredibly blessed to have her in m life!

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