Thursday, July 15, 2010

Im a BIG girl now!

On July 8th Kaitlin started a new big girl milestone...peeing in the potty. The day started like any other, but without diapers. I feared it for so long and to my pleasant surprise potty training clicked with Kaitlin. Just one accident the first day...second day a little accident and then she ran to the potty to pee some more...oh and she's pooing in the potty too and is on a sugar high half the day (lol...okay not really).
Another fear of potty training I had was back sliding. Although we have only been at it for a week I feared putting a diaper on her and going out. But again to my surprise the second we walk in the door she is running for the potty and pulling of her diaper. She even insists on going pee while we are out. We are saving big time on diapers and the garbage man must be enjoying us a little more too.

I am so proud of Kaitlin and I can tell that she is too!

1 comment:

  1. Way to go Kaitlin! I need you to help your little friend Lexie :)
