Monday, June 21, 2010

It's been too long

Wow, how fast time goes. I have been meaning to sit down and post, but something is always calling for me. Life has been busy...that's for sure.
For the last month and a bit we have enjoyed playing in our fully developed basement. With Jemahl's help we have set up a playroom for the girls downstairs.
Kaitlin loves her new playroom and is enjoying some new old toys. Huh? What's a new, old toy you ask? Toys that are new for Kaitlin, but not new for me. Some of Kaitlin's new favorites are kitchen pots/pans, plates, spoons and an old Fisher Price stove top as well as dolls and doll cloths, Barbies and trains. Sarah is also enjoying the room. When she is in the playroom she coos and talks up a storm, smiling at many toys and playing right beside Kaitlin.
We have spent countless hours at the zoo, an indoor park called Coffee and Scream, Butterfield Acres and the library. With the summer months coming I look forward to trips to splash parks, playing out on the deck, running through the sprinkler, bubbles, sand, swinging and slides and long adventure walks with my 2 girls.
Kaitlin will be 30 months in less then 2 months. She is talking like crazy...sentances and all. I do it! I did it! I love ye! Are just some of her favorites. She has also taken a liking to saying NO, way mommy. Running....she does that. ALOT! Always busy, always on the go. Kaitlin has told us several times that we should have dounut or timmies for supper....and during one visit from her Granny and Grandpa they walked over to the neighborhood Tim Horton's for a dougnut. She talks about this almost times with Granny and Papa. She's got a little bit of attitude, but is so tender hearted. Im so in love with her.

Sarah is growing and learningnew things each her 6 month doctors appointment she weighed 13.4 lbs. And although I don't remember how long she is, she is tall. She is sitting on her own although every now and then she topples over. Loves the toys and more so playing with her big sister. Many smiles, many laughs. Oh and many farts too. Sarah is now eating peas, beans, carrots, sweet potatoes, apples, peaches, prunes (LOVES the prunes....I know weird, hey?!?), pears. Next meats. Sleeping? She's not sleeping through the night, but most nights Im not complaining. I am so proud of her and look forward to all the stages to come. And like Kaitlin I am madly in love with her too.

Jemahl has been in school the last 2 months working on becoming a licensed journeyman technician. We just celebrated Father's day and I think the girls are so blessed to have Jemahl as their daddy. Oh and I love him like crazy too.

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