Monday, May 16, 2011

Ketchup please...

Sarah is starting to get into dips and sauces. At this lunch I made grilled cheese sandwiches. I asked Sarah if she wanted some ketchup and she shakes her head in eager anticipation and excitement then says "yeah, yeah, yeah." So "phflt" goes the Heinz ketchup bottle and away she goes. Thick oey gooey yummy, goodness that has been around since 1869. Ketchup face..... can you not love it!Hm mm. so GOOD! Are you on the way to the kitchen already. How can you not after seeing this adorable face downing the red stuff.
P.S. Did you know you could go to for a recipe on how to make Canadian ketchup cake?!? Interesting, bet kids would love that!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Pop - sicles

Hmm, summer time has started to pop out. Kaitlin has been pulling dandelions, tulips and daffodils (and lots of weeds) are popping up in the garden and we have spent hours upon hours outside jumping on the trampoline, sandbox and playing at parks over the last 3 days. So I decided it was Popsicles time.

Ouchy nose

Sarah took a tumble down the slide....head first. Poor little girl. These pictures are taken a few days after. Even with a big scabby, owie nose, I think she's the MOST adorable thing.

Mother's Day

Jemahl woke up with the girls this mother's day. It was nice to sleep in. I woke up to Kaitlin's cheery, smiley face and to breakfast ready for all 4 of us on the table. The girls each drew me a special mother's day picture. I got a full of Bath and Body Works soup, lotions, chap stick, room deodorizer and a gift card. Ahh! This was the perfect gift because I was wanting to get some.
I am so BLESSED to be a mommy and even more blessed to have Kaitlin and Sarah as my children.

Paint and Slide fun

Craft time and silly faces for Kaitlin

Love her smiles!Sliding and silly faces from Sarah. She was REALLY excited!

Shoes, shoes, shoes

Another SHOE girl has joined the family! Thanks for the ADORABLE shoes. Sarah loves them. She will run to the closet and bring these over to me. Now to find some cute ones for Kaitlin.
Shoes on feet and shoes in hand. She was so mad when I took them away. Down on the floor kicking her feet full blown tantrum.

So EXCITED about her new shoes....ohh, oh.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

At Granny and Papa's

After the Super train show the girls and I hitched a ride with my mom and dad and spent the week in Wainwright. It was great to get away from our normal life and spend lots of time with Granny and Papa. Our days were spent playing with a new train set (thanks mom and dad), play dough, crafts, walks, parks, swimming, shopping and a visit to the library (including some songs and finger plays).
On friday my brother and sister in law came over for a visit and to celebrate Easter. They brought Gus with them...Kaitlin and Sarah's fur cousin. Sarah LOVED him, and was constantly giving him hugs and kisses. Gus made himself comfortable right beside Sarah at all meals and was even hand fed the occasional bite by Sarah. Janell and I also had the chance to go out for a movie and some shopping while the girls napped. It was great to spend some time with an awesome women.
Jemahl drove up friday night...the poor guy just missed us too much. He then spent most of saturday in the garage making a wooden car for the girls with wheels and everything. I was VERY impressed and the girls LOVE their new toy from daddy.
Hmmm, Easter dinner. So yummy! Thanks mom and dad for putting us up. We had a blast with you and look forward to many more visits at your house. We LOVEs you! Sarah's playing PEEK a boo and Kaitlin's giving me the hand.Show me your tummy!Making play dough with GrannyChicken and train supper! Back when I was growing up we would pick up a bucket of KFC and drive over to the airport to watch planes take off. Well this was kinda like that, except we watched trains. Lucky us we saw 2 trains and the girls ate pretty much ALL of the popcorn chicken. My big little girl playing in the snow pile
Come Play mommy!Playing with the "new" train set fro Papa and Granny. Tchoo, tchoo, woo!

Granny taught Kaitlin how to do the silent screamPlaying with Gus. Wauf, wauf!Our Easter basket crafts for the really BIG kids.This is the car that Jemahl made for the girls. Looks awesome, hey?!?Easter Egg painting
Kinda blurry, but Sarah got in on the painting too. And then we turned the bath water blue and green.I love this one of Jemahl so proud of his girls.Playing before bed...chair tunnel/tchoo, tchoo trainRight after painting, Kaitlin ate not one, but 2 eggs. Yum!This is what I woke up to Easter morning. Kaitlin got out of her bedroom and found some of the hidden Easter treats. I think she ate 4 in total. Little sneak. Sarah got TREATS too!Home made biscuit breakfast and daffodils!